Friday 24 February 2012

Ketapang City Location

Well, before I tell you more about Ketapang, I will tell you first where Ketapang's location is. I won't blame you if you don't know the exact location of Ketapang because there was the time when I told people I came from Ketapang, I should explain in detail about where Ketapang is. So, don't worry because you are not alone ^^

If there is someone asking me question like this:
Q: Where is Ketapang located?
A: Do you know West Borneo? If you know where West Bornoe is and how the island looks like in the map and then Ketapang is located in the south east part of Borneo island.

What is Ketapang4World Talking About?

First Post

I've been thinking of creating a blog that is talking about my hometown, Ketapang. Well, I know it is a kind of big dream to tell the world about Ketapang, because in 2004 when I entered college and told my friends that I came from Ketapang, they don't know where it is, and most of them didn't know that West Borneo has Ketapang. And where my college was, I entered Sanata Dharma University which is located in Yogyakarta. Well, even a lot of Indonesian don't know about Ketapang and I should try hard to tell the world about my hometown. Well, no matter how hard it would be but nothing that is impossible as long as you could have a big dream and fight for it.